
June 1993 Serono Symposium on inhibin. Siena Italy Invited speaker.

June 1994 American Endocrine Society, Ananheim, Los Angeles. Oral presentation on inhibin.

June 1995 American Endocrine Society, Washington, Oral presentation on inhibin.

November 1995 Serono Symposium on ovarian follicle. Florida Invited speaker.

March 1996 EQAS meeting in Cardiff.

June 1996 International Clinical Biochemistry Congress, Invited speaker.

November 1996 Serono workshop on inhibin. Tokushima, Japan. Invited speaker.

June 1997 Ligand 1997 meeting in Turin, Italy. Invited speaker.

October 1998 German Andrology meeting, Munster, Germany. Invited speaker.

May 1999 Association of Clinical Biochemists. Manchester. Invited speaker.

June 1999 IFCC meeting. Florence. Italy. Invited speaker.

January 2000 Endocrine basis of reproductive function. Tampa, Florida. Invited speaker.

October 2000 Serono workshop on inhibin. Melbourne, Australia. Invited speaker.

2003 Serono workshop on inhibin, Siena, Italy. Invited speaker.

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